OpenFren is the fastest growing web3 partnership community.

We are an add-to-earn platform where users can easily add and share information on companies, partnerships deals, reviews, and more and earn Partner Coins (PTR) to buy, sell, or trade with others or use on OpenFren.


Partnership information is really valuable

As we all may know, no business or organization operates by itself. Whether you’re a small one-person operation (such as an influencer on YouTuber) or a large corporate who is it is finding a supplier or a collaborator for a huge marketing campaign, finding the right people and businesses to partner with is hard.

<aside> 🗣 95% of brands say that reviews influence their partnerships


With OpenFren, we make finding the right partnerships really easy. You can search for information or ask the community — you can even set quests for members to fulfill.

To make it even better, OpenFren is a Web3 project, taking a more decentralized approach by applying blockchain and community tokens. We wanted to make sure that everyone who joins our community grows and wins with us.

**+95,000 brands

in our database**

**Over 500,000


Our mission is to make partnerships honest and transparent.

Everyone deserves access to information that can help empower them to create successful and satisfying partnerships. If all the businesses in the world could see their impact on their partners, they can take better responsibility for their actions. We hope that businesses everywhere will be incentivized to treat their partners fairly and kindly.

Why are we called OpenFren?